About Us

UGT started over ten years ago with a combination of top minds, including nuclear power plant engineers, electrical & mechanical engineers, top cosmologists, a quantum physicist for aerospace, and pilots for aeronautics. Some of them have published articles at Cornell, Oxford, Cambridge, MIT universities and were recognized by Forbes magazine.

They all knew then that with the current population growth rate electric cars would eventually dominate the personal transportation market. They also were able to project that new power consuming electronic equipment and technology would enter the world marketplace. The result would be a world running into a shortage of energy, as well as food and water within a few years. They were correct as we see today and it continues to worsen while the world continues to rely on fossil fuels as a result of the existing infrastructure and distribution system.

The group knew that eventually this system would put more pressure on power companies and grids to a point beyond their capacity. Even as alternative power sources are being implemented the demand growth is outstripping the ability of the existing power structure. However, the damage to the environment by the current alternative energy methods is rarely mentioned. As an example, in 2021 the US announced the loss of over 1 million flying creatures, i.e., bats and birds due to wind turbines, one of the leading alternative energy systems.

So what does the loss of such wildlife create in the circle of life? An increase in their food chain, i.e., insects. If the wind turbine population grows it will create an inverse reaction to insect predators, resulting in the insects being attracted to human populations centers for their food source, an unintended consequence of our attempt to develop cleaner energy sources without studying the full impact of this policy.

Unfortunately, the owners, developers and investors of these alternative are more concerned with today’s profit than the best solution to our energy needs.

The group at UGT Technologies also predicted that the increasing pressure on power grids would make them a national security threat from foreign countries and a terrorist target. So they created a list of proper alternative energy devices that would provide clean power safely and economically. These alternative devices needed to be implemented as part of an overall smart city program so each community would be self sufficient and any power outages would be limited to the local city.

All these great minds had the solutions with a variety of alternative energy devices you can read about on this website. Unfortunately, great minds don’t necessarily come with deep pockets, which has been the major issue at UGT Technologies. With the planet continuing to increase in temperature, storms, and floods they didn’t give up and continued to develop the ideas, plans and prototypes that would be able to make a major difference in the world, once funding became a reality.

Amir Moghaddami, an American-Iranian, was introduced to the group by good fortune and committed himself to the development of UGT into a viable company and the raising of capital, including his own and the funds of friends and family. He knew he had a big challenge to overcome with venture capital and government grants resistant to an unproven entity with no device actually produced. But now UGT has reached a point where the viability and underlying facts, designs, and fabrication details are ready to be produced.

Today UGT Technologies, LLC is registered as a US company in the state of Delaware with manufacturing facilities in the industrial city of Reedsburg, Wisconsin. UGT has plans to establish additional plants in Europe, Africa, and the far East.

We invite those few visionary and intelligent investors who can see the benefits and profits of UGT to join and help us grow and turn this company into a multinational powerhouse to meet the needs of the world in the 3 most important elements of human life other than air. WATER, FOOD, and ENERGY. We invite you to peruse the other sections of this website to be introduced to all the amazing products this group of engineers and scientists have developed.