The largest source of untapped energy in the world is Biogas the world eventually will start using it not only to eliminate the energy shortage crises but also to eliminate the methane gas they put in the air daily. And finally, the side products that UGT is able to get from that cannot be under-estimated.

Boilers on the other hand are also one of the biggest sources of generating heat in the air but also steam.

For these reasons, UGT had started developing special generators that not only can separate the methane from animal waste and burn that to get electricity. But UGT also developed a way to ensure when and after methane is burned, the gases generated will not be released into the air.

Instead, we filter these gases and turn in into pure oxygen. This is because Middle East countries can go through -61 degree freezer room and generate clean cold air that can be used by large or small buildings. Not to mention leftover waste can be used as fertilizer and sold to farms.

Here at UGT, we designed various generators for biogas and boilers that can generate electricity and use these sources for generating electricity and cold or hot air. Not to mention we also are helping lessen the heat and gasses that produce into the atmosphere.

The purpose of UGT is to establish a decentralized energy production company.

The model of this is used today by Uber or Block Chain in China. It means UGT had used its patent rights in these fields and started producing return generator devices and connected them to steam boiler generators.

UGT offers these to customers in installments at very low prices and created income from electricity generated by these generators for customers as well. So long as they maintain it running 24/7/365.

This enables the boiler owner to use 5-10kWh for their own home use. 100kWh for industrial use if needed in farms or factory buildings and the rest can be fed to the grid to get paid from energy sellers at a much lower cost than it cost them to produce the same energy. So, everyone wins.

Therefore, we have a decentralized power plants everywhere. UGT gets paid a percentage of this electricity generated and customers also get to use free energy and get paid for extra electricity they produce.

In the first phase, it is our intention to get 1.5 million boiler owners in the U.S and 5000 customers in Europe to purchase our generators and start making income and help the environment as well.

Today there are 13,000,000 boilers produced by companies around the world. The calculations are as follow:

2000x75.6= $151,200

1500x151.2= $226,800 total income per day= $882,000

1500x 336= $504,000

$882,000x365= $321,930,000

This is gross income. After taken all expenses and taxes out, customer gets 60% and UGT gets 40% of this income.

The cost of building is something customers must pay per the schedule below:

Second phase

It is UGT’s intention to license 200 sets of cattle farms above 500 Rasi equipped with our biogas generators.

Each unit has 1.7 MWh. From this 400kWh will be used by the cattle or dairy farm itself for their daily need. It is provided for self-Consumption of cattle breeding.

The rest (1/3) will be injected into the grid system to help energy companies. Per the following formula:

200x1/3rd= 260MW

260 MW x 0.07= $18,200 per hour

18,200x24= $436,800 per day

436,800 x 365= $159,432,000 per year

Here just like boilers schedule, after expenses and taxes are taken out, client gets 60% and UGT gets the 40% share.

The cost for each biogas generator is approximately $300,000 that was received from Cattle or dairy farm owners.

In addition to this, farm owners and UGT can make additional income at the same rate by selling compost left from burning the cattle waste inside the burner.